In 2010, James promised if elected he would propose a city recall provision for elected officials. In fulfilment of this promise, voters were asked on the November 2012 ballot to provide final approval to amend the city’s charter, and it passed with the super majority of the vote. Now Mt. Juliet is one of only a few cities in Tennessee with a recall provision. This is a powerful tool for voters to keep their elected officials accountable.
Before, city elected officials could only be removed if they violated portions of state law. Voters had little recourse between elections if their elected officials simply refused to represent them or did other acts that may not be technically illegal.
What is a recall election? - A recall election (also called a recall referendum or representative recall) is a procedure by which voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote before his or her term has ended. Recalls are initiated when a sufficient number of voters sign a petition.
Why was a referendum vote required? – Since Mt. Juliet is a home rule city, our city charter can be changed by voter referendum. Cities that are not home rule require private acts from the Tennessee General Assembly to change their charters.
What is a city charter? – A “charter” is the grant from the state which brings a city into existence and defines its governmental structure and powers. Unlike city ordinances or resolutions, the city commission cannot change the city charter without approval from the Tennessee General Assembly or by approval from referendum vote.
Passed into law November 6th, 2012.
Thank you Mt. Juliet!
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