The recent announcement that Adams Lane will be closed has caused many questions and probably more confusion. While this has been in the plans for some time, it has still come as a surprise to many. Just like the recently opened Providence Parkway extension to Central Pike, this is all part of a larger plan that includes the building of the Central Pike Interchange. Adams Lane was closed for several reasons, but the main reason was to make room for the Interchange. Adams Lane is simply too close to I-40 to allow for the Interchange to be built. The portion from Mt. Juliet road to the top of the hill will remain open to allow access to the businesses. Construction is starting to connect Adams Lane to the new Providence Parkway extension. You can see on the map below (in green) where the road will lead in a few months. Also, John Hager Road will be redirected to meet Central Pike across from Providence Parkway to make room for the Interchange.
(Map not for engineering or legal representation)
These changes and several others are all part of the plan to improve traffic flow in the Providence area. I know seeing just a bridge widened or an existing road extended does not paint the larger picture of the work going on in the area. As a city, we go well beyond our requirements with state routes by doing the engineering and securing commitments for the right-of-way. The city is fully committed to 100% funding our improvement obligations. This is just one area of town where improvements are underway, and we are equally committed to our ongoing work on Lebanon Road, Division, Old Lebanon Dirt Road, Golden Bear, and others.
(Map of State Improve Act projects inpacting Mt. Juliet)
All projects are subject to securing the right-of-way access (over 90 individual properties with Old Lebanon Dirt Road alone), engineering, environmental studies, utility relocation, and funding. (This is the Cliffs Notes version of the list.) Many of the city's projects require coordination with TDOT and other entities with budgets of their own and other competing priorities.
I would encourage everyone to visit the Mt. Juliet Capital Improvements Project Dashboard found here. There are updates on 35 projects that are in the works.
If I can be of service or help in any way, feel free to reach out to me directly at 615-729-7290.
James Maness