Bradshaw Farms


Files are subject to change as the project changes during the approval process.

Bradshaw Farms PMDP - Click Here  (Map)

Bradshaw Farms Traffic Impact Study - Click Here 

Likely Timeline

Planning Commission November 21, 2019
City Commission - First Reading November 25, 2019
City Commission - Second Reading January 13, 2020
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  • james maness
    commented 2019-11-10 23:46:01 -0600
    I have not seen the traffic study, but I can’t imagine it will be much different from the original Jackson Hill’s traffic plan. Bradshaw Farms will replace the second phase of Jackson Hills, so the total number of units will be very similar. Also, with half of Bradshaw Farms being age restrictive it should serve to break up the in and outbound traffic patterns. I’ll see about getting a copy of the traffic study and posting it here online.
  • Christopher Smith
    commented 2019-11-09 20:06:45 -0600
    That would appear to be a lot of homes funneling in from Goldenbear. How will the traffic be maintained for all those homes?